The Service hosted its sixth pension seminar from 20-21 November 2024, at the Shippers House in Accra, which was specifically designed for the 2025 and 2026 batches of retirees. The seminar aimed to empower participants with knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the next chapter of their lives.
The two-day event brought together expert resource persons to guide participants through planning for life after active service. In total, 86 staff members are set to retire within the next two years; 40 retiring in 2025 and 46 retiring in 2026.
To facilitate a more personal experience, participants were placed into two groups during the seminar providing a valuable opportunity for them to gain insights and knowledge to ensure a smooth transition towards retirement.
The seminar was well-represented with notable attendees including Mrs. Abigail Pentsil, Chairman of the Ghana Audit Service Pensioners Association (GASPA), Mrs. Jemima Arthur, Assistant Auditor-General for Finance, and Mr. Emmanuel Abrefa-Kodom, Assistant Auditor-General for Administration.
Also in attendance were members of the Audit Service Union, officers from the Human Resource Unit, and Personnel Units. The event featured expert resource persons, including Mr. Emmanuel Kofi Sackey, a retired SSNIT personnel and lawyer, and Mrs. Amoako Atta, a clinical psychologist from Pantang Hospital.
Mr. Emmanuel Kofi Sackey, a retired SSNIT personnel and lawyer, delivered an informative presentation on two critical topics: "Investing for Retirement" and "Nominations, Wills, and their Implications." Key takeaways from his presentation adviced participants to:
- Develop a retirement plan or strategy to ensure a smooth transition from active service to retirement. This way, when HR serves any individual notice of their impending retirement, the individual will be prepared and in control, avoiding feelings of shock, bitterness, or depression.
- Nurture and maintain a strong, loving relationship with one’s spouse and relations. This will ensure they remain supportive throughout your life, more so during retirement when their companionship and care is needed the most.
- Schedule a comprehensive health checkup with healthcare providers to identify and address any underlying medical concerns, ensuring optimal health and wellbeing, especially as one approaches retirement.
- Invest wisely to create a financial safety net for unexpected expenses or lean times. Consideration must be given to low-risk investment options, such as:
- Treasury bills
- Dividend-paying shares and
- Unit trusts
These investments can provide an additional source of income to supplement your pension, develop a savings plan and make the most of your money to ensure a secure and comfortable retirement.
- Review and update their beneficiary nominations to ensure that the intended spouse and children are designated as beneficiaries. This guarantees that your benefits, such as pension, life insurance, and other entitlements, are distributed according to your wishes when the time is due.
- Prepare a comprehensive will to safeguard your self-acquired properties, including real estate, investments, and personal assets. Regularly review and update your will to reflect changes in your assets, ensuring that your wishes are respected, and your loved ones are protected.
Mrs. Yvette Akuorkor Barnor, Head of Personnel, took participants through pension and gratuity processing by walking participants through completion of sample pension gratuity form. She also outlined the required documents to submit for the processing of pension and gratuity.
She provided a detailed explanation of the monthly pension computation process, including the factors that influence the calculation. Additionally, she clarified the waiting period that retirees must observe before they can start receiving their pension benefits.
Mrs. Amoako Atta, a clinical psychologist, presented a comprehensive discussion on "Health and Wellness in Retirement." She highlighted the natural decline in sensory and cognitive abilities that often accompany aging, as well as the physical and psychological changes that retirees may experience as they transition from active service to retirement.
To ensure a smooth and fulfilling transition, Mrs. Amoako Atta recommended the following best practices:
- Plan for wellness and cultivate a positive attitude, focusing on life achievements and experiences.
- Embrace flexibility and develop coping strategies to navigate life's changes during retirement.
- Foster social connections by joining clubs, groups, and associations.
- Engage in regular exercise and explore new hobbies to maintain physical and mental well-being.
- Practice financial prudence by reassessing spending habits and adopting a moderate approach.
- Give back to the community and nurture spiritual growth through faith and personal development.
- Consider consulting a psychologist to address any challenging emotional or psychological changes.
By adopting these practices, retirees can proactively manage the transition to retirement and cultivate a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.
Mrs. Abigail Pentsil, chairman of GASPA delivered a presentation on the Ghana Audit Service Pensioners Association, highlighting its objectives and benefits. She warmly encouraged participants to join the Association, emphasizing the advantages of membership.
The event also featured a special recognition ceremony, where representatives of the Audit Service Workers Union presented commemorative plaques to the 2025 batch of retirees. This gesture honored their outstanding dedication and contributions to the Audit Service.