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22nd August 2024

Audit Service commits to enhanced collaboration with World Bank on Procurement Audit

Audit Service commits to enhanced collaboration with World Bank on Procurement Audit

The Service held a wrap up meeting on the 2024 World Bank Post Procurement Review (PPR) assignment on 20 ongoing projects under the implementation by several covered entities (Ministries Department and Agencies) and other institutions.

Mrs. Roberta Assiamah-Appiah, Deputy Auditor-General responsible for EIDA-SZ, on behalf of the Auditor-General, expressed utmost appreciation to the World Bank for the opportunity and the positive feedback from the Bank’s procurement experts. She intimated that the reviewed feedback would serve as a good pedestal for us to improve subsequent review assignments.

She further assured the Bank of the Service’s readiness to embrace the upcoming peer-learning events with China, Vietnam and the Philippians, which would afford staff members the opportunity to gain insight into exploring other model in the implementation of the Bank’s projects in different countries and collaboration with other Supreme Audit Institutions.

The continuous partnership with the Bank over the years has created opportunity for more than 300 staff members to be trained in the Bank’s procurement procedures and PPR which strictly follows the Public Procurement Authority legal frameworks (i.e. country system). This has contributed to the Service’s initiative to undertake standalone compliance audits under the Public Financial Management for Service Delivery.